Please click each topic for more information.
11/26/24 - Gardner Dickinson Building Demolition RFP # 2024-02 Scoring and Recommendation
Please use the link below to view the bid scoring and letter of recommendation for Gardner Dickinson Building Demolition RFP # 2024-02. Download Here
10/27/24 - Gardner Dickinson Building Demolition RFP # 2024-02
Scope of Work – The Work of this contract involves building demolition and site preparations on two (2) unoccupied and non-operational multifamily apartment buildings located at 1025 Everitt Ave., Bay County, Panama City, FL. All requirements for this project are contained in the Bid Scope Documents.
Documents – Plans and Specifications in digital PDF file format will be available October 28, 2024 by contacting the Architect to register to receive all current and future bidding documents and notices:
Florida Architects, Inc.
103 W. 5th Street
Panama City, Fl. 32401
Kevin Johnson:
Bonds & Insurance – A 5% Bid Bond or Cashier’s Check required with Bid Proposals. A 100% Performance Bond and 100% Labor and Material Payment Bond required with Contract. Insurances required are contained in the Bid Scope Documents.
Bid Schedule – Sealed Bids will be due Thursday, November 21, 2024 no later than 2:30 pm local time (CT) and will be opened at the Panama City Housing Authority Office located at 2315 Ruth Hentz Avenue, Panama City, Florida. A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the site on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 2:00 PM (CT). Sealed bids may be mailed to the Panama City Housing Authority’s Office Attention: Teri Henry, Executive Director, or delivered in person, but either way, bids must be received by 2:30 pm (CT) on Thursday, November 21, 2024.
04/08/24 - Fee Accounting Services RFP 2024-01 Addendums and Attachments
Please use the links below to download Addendum 1 and 2 as well as the attachments that were missing from the RFP packet. Please note that the HUD forms packet is pages 8-14 on the RFP.
Addendum 1 – Download Here
Addendum 2 – Download Here
Attachment I (references) – Download Here
Attachment B (fee submission form) – Download Here
Attachment E (contract award and acceptance) – Download Here
03/18/24 - Fee Accounting Services RFP 2024-01
The Panama City Housing Authority is seeking proposals from qualified accounting firms to deliver fee accounting services. Please use the link below to download download the RFP and related documents. DOWNLOAD HERE
03/15/24 - Oakland Apartments 1902B Rebuild RFP 2023-03 Scoring and Recommendation
Please use the link below to view the bid scoring and letter of recommendation for Oakland Apartments 1902B Rebuild RFP 2023-03. DOWNLOAD HERE
12/11/23 - Oakland Apartments 1902B Rebuild RFP 2023-03
Panama City Housing Authority, Oakland Garden Apartments, INVITATION TO BID]
Project: Oakland Garden Apartment 1902B Rebuild PROJECT
Scope of Work: Bid Set Construction Documents describe the design of an approximately 930 SQFT apartment that needs Moderate demolition and reconstruction oof the unit back to living condition. The project is located at 1902B Mack Lewis Drive, Panama City, FL 32405.
Documents: Project Drawings and Manual/Specifications including bonds and Insurance requirements will be available December 11, 2023, for not cost PDG download by registering with the Architect for access to the Architect’s secure internet procurement website powered by basecamp, or for the cost of printing and delivery if a hard copy is requested, or may be viewed at a pre-arranged time at:
Florida Architects, Inc.
103 W. 5th Street
Panama City, FL 32401
Register with the Architect for direct downloads and automatic email notifications via Basecamp (free internet website).
Pre-bid Conference: A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the Project Site on Thursday, December 14, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. (CT). Potential Bidders are recommended to attend this meeting and encouraged to bring written questions for the Architect’s consideration and response by Addendum. Assemble in from of the mailboxes at 1915 Wilson Ave, Panama City, FL 32405 promptly at 2:00 pm. Last day for written questions will be Thursday, January 4, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. (CT).
Bid Schedule: Sealed Bids are due January 15, 2024, no later than 2:00 p.m. (CT) and will be opened at the Panama City Housing Authority, 2315 Ruth Hentz Ave., Panama City, FL 32405.
Sealed Bids: may be mailed or delivered to Panama City Housing Authority, 2315 Ruth Hentz Ave, Panama City, FL 32405. Attention: Justin Boyce, Executive Assistant, and must be received by 2:00 p.m. (CT) on Monday, January 15, 2024. Refer to the Bid Documents for all requirements.
12/04/23 - Kirkland-Dickinson Pipe Lining RFP 2023-01 Scoring and Recommendation
Please use the link below to view the bid scoring and letter of recommendation for Kirkland-Dickinson Pipe Lining RFP 2023-01. DOWNLOAD HERE
06/12/23 - Kirkland-Dickinson Pipe Lining RFP 2023-01
Scope of Work – The Work of this contract involves the relining of approximately 1,190 linear feet of 4” cast iron pipe across more than 19 buildings at two sites: Henry T. Kirkland Garden Apartments, 261 Everitt Ave, Panama City, FL 32401 and Gardner E. Dickinson Memorial Homes, 1025 Everitt Ave, Panama City, FL 32401. The contractor to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required and install and test cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining and appurtenances complete as specified. Major components of the project include: preparing the interior of the units by blocking off all drains; shutting-off the water supply at each unit; scouring each line; casting pipe; video inspection before and after procedure of each line; proper removal of all debris, daily clean-up, etc.
The apartments are fully occupied in operating family housing communities. Work time limitations apply, and all water must be operational at the end of each workday.
Documents – Project Manual and Specifications including bonds and Insurance requirements will be available Monday, June 12, 2023 for no cost PDF download by registering with the Architect for access to the Architect’s secure internet procurement website powered by Basecamp®, or for the cost of printing and delivery if a hard copy is requested, or, may be viewed at a pre-arranged time at:
Florida Architects, Inc.
103 W. 5th Street
Panama City, Fl. 32401
Register with the Architect for direct downloads and automatic email notifications via Basecamp® (free internet website).
Pre-Bid Conference – A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the Project Site on Thursday, June 22, 2023, at 2:00 pm (CT). Potential Bidders are recommended to attend this meeting and encouraged to bring written questions for the Architect’s consideration and response by Addendum. Assemble in front of the Mail Pavilion Building at 261 Everitt Ave, Panama City, FL 32401 promptly at 2:00 pm. Last day for written questions will be Monday June 26th 2023.
Bid Schedule – Sealed Bids are due Tuesday, July 11th, no later than 2:00 pm (CT) and will be opened in the Panama City Housing Authority Board Room at 2315 Ruth Hentz Ave, Panama City, FL 32405.
Sealed Bids – may be mailed or delivered to The Panama City Housing Authority at 2315 Ruth Hentz Ave, Panama City, FL. Attention: Teri Henry Dir, and must be received by 2:00 pm on Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 . Refer to the Bid Documents for all requirements.
06/24/22 - Request for Proposal for Web Based Housing Authority Software. RFP 2022-01
Request for Proposal for Web Based Housing Authority Software. RFP 2022-01. Please use the link below to download the RFP documents.
01/18/22 - Oakland Garden Apts. Improvements Project RFP 2021-02R Bid Scoring
Please use the link below to view the bid scoring for RFP #2021-02R. DOWNLOAD HERE
01/06/22 - Oakland Garden Apts. Improvements Project RFP 2021-02R Addendum 1
Please use the links below to download addendum 1 for RFP 2021-02R Oakland Garden Apts. Improvements Project.
Addendum 1 – DOWNLOAD
12/20/21 - Oakland Garden Apts. Improvements Project RFP 2021-02R
The Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) Invitation to bid RFP #2021-02R; Oakland Garden Apts. Improvement Project. Below you will find links to the project manual and bid set drawings.
11/10/21 - Oakland Garden Apts. Improvements Project RFP 2021-02 Bid Scoring
Please use the link below to view the bid scoring for RFP #2021-02. DOWNLOAD HERE
10/11/21 - Oakland Garden Apts. Improvements Project RFP 2021-02
The Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) Invitation to bid RFP #2021-02; Oakland Garden Apts. Improvement Project. Below you will find links to the project manual and bid set drawings.
06/14/21 - Henry T. Kirkland Mailbox Pavilion Project RFP 2021-01 Bid Scoring
Please use the link below to view the bid scoring for RFP #2021-01. DOWNLOAD HERE
05/27/21 - Henry T. Kirkland Mailbox Pavilion Project RFP 2021-01 Addendum 1
Please use the links below to download addendum 1 for RFP 2021-01 Henry T. Kirkland Mailbox Pavilion Project.
Addendum 1 – DOWNLOAD
05/24/21 - Henry T. Kirkland Mailbox Pavilion Project RFP 2021-01
The Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA), Florida; Invitation to Bid RFP #2021-01; Henry T.
Kirkland Mailbox Pavilion Project. Please use the link below view the project manual and specifications.
12/16/20 - Roof Replacement ITB Scoring
Please use the link below to download the scoring for the Roof Replacement ITB.
12/08/20 - Roof Replacement ITB Q&A and Addendum 1
Please use the link below to download the Q&A and first addendum for the Roof Replacement ITB.
11/16/20 - Invitation to Bid Roof Replacement
Panama City Housing Authority has issued an invitation to bid for roof replacement on 3 of our apartment buildings. Below is the download link for instructions and scope of work.
09/11/20 - Cleaning and Painting ITB Addendum 1
Please use the link below to download the first addendum to ITB Painting and Cleaning
Addendum 1 – DOWNLOAD HERE
09/01/20 - Cleaning and Painting Invitation to Bid
Panama City Housing Authority has issued an invitation to bid for cleaning and painting services. Below is the download link for instructions and scope of work.
08/03/20 - Oakland Garden Apts. Improvements Project RFP 2020-03
The Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) Invitation to bid RFP #2020-03; Oakland Garden Apts. Improvement Project. Below you will find links to the project manual and bid set drawings.
07/14/20 - Northgate Terrace II Renovations and Repairs RFP 2020-02 Bid Scoring
Please use the link below to view the bid scoring for RFP #2020-02. DOWNLOAD HERE
07/07/20 - Northgate Terrace II Renovations and Repairs RFP 2020-02 Addendum 3
Please use the links below to download addendum 3 for RFP 2020-02 Northgate Terrace II Renovations and Repairs Project.
Addendum 3 – DOWNLOAD
06/21/20 - Northgate Terrace II Renovations and Repairs Project. RFP 2020-02
The Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA), Florida; Invitation to Bid RFP #2020-02; Northgate Terrace II Renovations and Repairs Project. The full project manual can be downloaded here.
02/20/20 - RFP #2020-01 Bid Scoring
Please use the link below to view the bid scoring for RFP #2020-01. DOWNLOAD HERE
02/14/20 - RFP #2020-01 Addendum 4
Please click the link below to download the 4th addendum to RFP #2020-01
02/10/20 - RFP #2020-01 Addendum 2
Please click the link below to download the 2nd addendum to RFP #2020-01
02/10/20 - RFP #2020-01 Pre-bid Meeting Minutes
Please use the link to download RFP #2020-01 pre-bid meeting minutes. DOWNLOAD HERE
01/31/20 - RFP #2020-01 Addendum 1
Please click the link below to download the first addendum to RFP #2020-01 DOWNLOAD HERE
01/27/20 - Phase 1 DEMO for Massalina and Fletcher Black Memorial Homes. RFP-2020-01
The Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA), Florida; Invitation to Bid RFP #2020-01; Phase 1 Demolition Project for the Massalina Memorial Homes Site and the Fletcher Black Memorial Homes Site. The full project manual can be downloaded here.
06/03/19 - Co-developer RFQ-2019-2 Results and Recomendations
Results and Recommendations
In response to the Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) Request For Qualifications (RFQ) for Co-Developer for PCHA sites in 2019.
The PCHA desires to rebuild, rehabilitate and revitalize sites in Panama City Florida. A Request for Qualifications was developed for this purpose and was approved by the PCHA Board of Commissioners for release to the public.
Advertising for the RFQ was fulfilled through posting on the FAHRO website, the Panama City Newsherald, and outreach by email to the entire membership (89 members) of the Florida Coalition of Affordable Housing Providers (CAHP).
The RFQ solicitation was available on April 18, 2019 and the deadline for submission was on May 9, 2019. A site visit was held on April 25, 2019 which was attended by 14 interested parties.
A list of Questions and Answers were posted on the PCHA website on May 1, 2019.
The submission deadline for the RFQ was by 3:00 pm Central time on May 9, 2019. Six (6) submissions were received prior to the deadline and were scored by the evaluation committee.
The evaluation committee consisted of:
- Kim Yates of PCHA
- Loretta Jenkins of PCHA
- Jane Dixon of TAG Associates, Inc.
Six responses were received, by the deadline, and scored by the evaluation committee:
- The Michaels Organization
- The NHP Foundation
- Royal American Companies JV Invictus Development, LLC
- Panama City Redevelopment Partners – Calston Advisors, LLC JV Smith & Henzy Advisory Group, LLC
- Hollyhand Development JV Arbour Valley Development Corp
- Housing Trust Group, LLC
A shortlist of the top three respondents was compiled and the top three candidates were invited to interview with the scoring committee on May 22, 2019.
The three highest scoring respondents (in no particular order) are:
Royal American Development JV Invictus Development, LLC
Panama City Redevelopment Partners – Calston Advisors, LLC JV Smith & Henzy Advisory Group, LLC
Hollyhand Development JV Arbour Valley Development Corp
Upon completion of the interviews the review committee is recommending extending the opportunity, to partner with PCHA, to two respondents. Both respondents were found to be very qualified and capable in providing the PCHA with the expertise needed to fulfill the mission of the RFQ. Each firm brings something important but different to the table and the review committee agreed that it would be in the PCHA’s best interest to have the expertise of both of these firms. We are looking to have the best team(s) possible for the PCHA to accomplish this enormous undertaking and believe that the two teams chosen can accomplish this task.
RECOMMENDATION: It is the evaluation committee’s recommendation to award this RFQ to, the two top scoring Respondents, Royal American Companies in Joint Venture with Invictus Development, LLC AND Panama City Redevelopment, LLC a Joint Venture Partnership between Calston Advisors, LLC and Smith & Henzy Advisory Group, LLC and to move forward in negotiating the terms of a Master Development Agreement with each Respondent.
NOTE: Upon approval the PCHA will request proposals from each Respondent (Developer) for development options for each site and then assign sites to each developer upon review and assessment. Each developer will be responsible for its assigned sites. It is the intent of the PCHA to act in its best interest while taking into account a fair distribution of opportunities to its partners.
05/17/19 - Development Legal Counsel PCHA-RFP-2019-3
The Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) is requesting firms or individuals interested in serving as Development Legal Counsel to the PCHA to submit proposals for consideration. Responses must be submitted by June 12, 2019 to be eligible for consideration. The full RFP can be downloaded HERE
05/17/19 - Co-developer RFQ-2019-2 Shortlist
The evaluation committee has concluded the initial scoring of the responses received for RFQ- 2019-2
Six responses were received, by the deadline, and scored by the evaluation committee:
1. The Michaels Organization
2. The NHP Foundation
3. Royal American Companies JV Invictus Development, LLC
4. Panama City Redevelopment Partners – Calston Advisors, LLC JV Smith & Henzy Advisory Group, LLC
5. Hollyhand Development JV Arbor Valley Development Corp
6. Housing Trust Group, LLC
The three highest scoring respondents (in no particular order) are:
Royal American Development JV Invictus Development, LLC
Panama City Redevelopment Partners – Calston Advisors, LLC JV Smith & Henzy Advisory Group, LLC
Hollyhand Development JV Arbor Valley Development Corp
The evaluation committee has extended an invitation to interview, with the committee, to the three
highest scoring respondents.
05/14/19 - Update to PCHA-RFQ-2019-2 for Co-Developer
6 responses to the RFQ were received.
Changes to the timeline are as follows but are still subject to change:
Shortlist of Respondents May 17, 2019 – invitations to interview
Interviews May 22nd
Decision to board May 30th TBD
Announcements June 3rd
Kickoff June 4-7 TBD
05/01/19 - Questions and Answers for PCHA-RFQ-2019-2
Questions and answers for PCHA-RFQ-2019-2 can be found here.
04/18/19 - Co-developer for New Construction
Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) is inviting proposals for a Co-developer for New Construction. Proposals will be received until 3:00 PM CDT, Thursday, May 9, 2019. Please download the Request for Qualifications for more information and proposal submission.
03/15/19 - Engineering and/or Architectural Services
Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) is inviting proposals for Engineering and/or Architectural Services. Proposals will be received until 4:00 PM CDT, Tuesday, March 26, 2019. Please download the Request for Qualifications for more information and proposal submission.
01/29/19 - Affordable Housing Planning and Consultant Services RFP Q&A 1
A question has been asked regarding the Affordable Housing Planning and Consultant Services RFP. The question and answer can be found here.
01/29/19 - Disaster Recovery Consultant Services RFP Q&A 2-5
Additional questions have been asked regarding the Disaster Recovery Consultant Services RFP. The questions and answers can be found here.
01/28/19 - Disaster Recovery Consultant Services RFP Question and Addendum
A question has been asked regarding the Disaster Recovery Consultant Services RFP. The question, answer, and resulting addendum can be found here.
01/18/19 - Disaster Recovery Consultant Services
Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) is inviting proposals for Disaster Recovery Consultant Services. Proposals will be received until 4:30 PM CDT, Thursday, January 31, 2019. Please download the Request for Proposal for more information and proposal submission.
01/18/19 - Affordable Housing Planning and Consultant Services
Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) is inviting proposals for Affordable Housing Planning and Consultant Services. Proposals will be received until 4:30 PM CDT, Thursday, January 31, 2019. Please download the Request for Proposal for more information and proposal submission.
01/18/19 - Public Insurance Adjuster Services
This request for services has been canceled.
07/10/18 - Financial Auditor
Panama City Housing Authority (PCHA) is inviting proposals from independent public accounting firms to
perform an audit of various HUD programs for fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, with two additional
years at the sole option of the PCHA. Please download the Request for Proposal for more information and proposal submission.
06/11/18 - Landscaping Services
The Panama City Housing Authority is inviting qualified vendors to provide landscaping services for six apartment communities. Vendors interested in providing a proposal for landscaping need to send an acknowledgement email to Please be sure to include a point of contact. Acknowledgements are due by the close of business July 13, 2018. A site visit will be scheduled following the acknowledgements.