Contact Us

Administrative Staff: (850)-769-5278

Public Housing: (850) 769-2358

HCV: (850) 769-6193

TTY: 1-800-955-8771

Email: Use Form Below

Hours of Operation:

  • Monday – Thursday 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Friday 7:30 am to 11 am

Mailing Address / Administrative / HCV / Section 8 Office:
2315 Ruth Hentz Avenue
Panama City, FL 32405

Public Housing Office:
261 Everitt Avenue
Panama City, FL 32405

The PCHA Board Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 12 pm immediately followed by the PCHFC board meeting. The meetings are held at 1450 N Palo Alto Avenue, Panama City, FL. 

The PCHFC Annual Board Meeting is held the third Wednesday of June at 1 pm at 1450 N Palo Alto Avenue, Panama City, FL

Our Communities: (click for map)

James R. Asbell Memorial Apartments – (850) 769-2358

Oakland Garden Apartments – (850) 769-2358

Gardner E. Dickinson Memorial Homes – (850) 769-2358

Henry T. Kirkland Apartments – (850) 769-2358

Map of PCHA Communities

Contact Us Via Email Here

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