Effective Monday, April 9, 2018, the Panama City Housing Authority will be opening the waitlist and accepting applications for two and three-bedroom apartment homes.

Applications are accepted online at, select the “Public Housing” tab, and then “Online Applications.”

Please note the 1 bedroom waitlist remains closed but the 4 & 5 bedroom waitlists are still open.

This is not applicable to Housing Choice Vouchers at this time, only Public Housing

Get on the Health Bus in February and March!


10AM – 2PM

February 15, 2018

March 15, 2018

We are happy to introduce Health Screening for your community with the health bus visiting Fletcher Black Memorial Homes.

Sponsored by the Bay County Health Department

Day of Dignity – THIS SATURDAY, September 9, 2017

Do you or someone you know need free, NEW bikes for kids and adults? Free trolley passes? Free lunch? Free canned goods? Free blankets or ponchos? Free hygiene kits? FREE BOOKS for children and teens? Free health screenings? Free diapers and baby formula? Free haircuts? How about gently used coats, shoes or socks for all ages? Face painting, cotton candy, popcorn and more… all for free, just for you!

23 LOCAL organizations have come together to give back to those in need and the homeless members of our community.  Please spread the word!


Hurricane Irma

—1:30 PM SEPT 6—

Hurricane Irma Update:

The latest storm track shows that Irma has shifted more to the right. At this time, we are reasonably confident that our communities will be safe for the remainder of the week. However, we will continue to evaluate the situation for any unpredictable changes. We are following the Bay County Emergency Operations Center for guidance and leadership.

Please stay calm and be safe.

— SEPT 5—

PCHA is closely monitoring the development associated with Hurricane Irma. As the week progresses and the forecast becomes more reliable, we will update residents of any necessary procedures or evacuations. Please use this time to prepare your family and yourself for the storm – just in case.

Emergency Checklist

  • Flashlight with fresh batteries
  • Medications
  • Legal documents: SS cards, Birth Certificates, etc.
  • Personal hygiene products, diapers, etc.
  • Battery operated radio with fresh batteries
  • Bottled water for several days
  • Canned and non-perishable foods to cover several days
  • Manual can opener
  • Candles and matches
  • Paper plates, utensils, napkins, etc.
  • Phone numbers of family, friends, physicians, etc.
  • Extra eyeglasses, hearing aids with fresh batteries

Please secure or bring in all items on your patios and porches. Items can become airborne during high winds.

We also recommend registering your phone number at for up to date weather notices from the Emergency Management Center.

Please stay calm and be safe.

Fall Basketball at MLK Recreation Center!

Get A Job In Construction!

Free 6 Week Training Course

The LEAD Coalition working with the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, ReliantSouth Construction Group and Gulf Coast State College will be hosting this employment improving course opportunity. Upon course completion, students will earn a certificate from Gulf Coast State College. There are so many companies out there that are looking for trained and skilled employees and this is a great chance to tap into that. The average person working in the construction industry in Florida ears $35k per year.

This course will cover

* The Keys To Success

* Using Power Tools

* Measuring Wood

* Job Applications

Instructor: Richard Dodd

When: Mondays
August 21 – October 2, 2017
6:30 – 8:30 pm

Where: Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
715 N. Martin Luther King Blvd

TEXT job4me2 to 81010 or call 215-5570 to register

Back to School – School Supplies and Uniforms Giveaway

Volunteering at MLK Recreation Center and getting ready for the Back to School party!

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We had a blast serving at the 2017 Back to School Bash!

(previous post)

Saturday, August 12!

10AM – 3PM

Martin Luther King, Jr. Rec Center
705 E 14th Court
Panama City, FL 32401



Free Back Packs with school supplies will be given away!


Don’t Let Your Students Lose Steam… Go To STEAMTASTIC TUESDAYS!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Rec Center
705 E 14th Ct, Panama City, FL 32401

Presented by the Bay County Public Library
Student Advocacy Center of Bay County

Get On the Bus… The Health Bus!

Annual HUD Inspection

July 27, 2017

Dear Residents of Fletcher Black, Asbell and Massalina Apartment Homes,

Next week on August 3rd and 4th, HUD will be conducting their annual inspection of apartments.

We need your help and ask for your full cooperation. Below is a brief list of items that every resident must do before the inspection on Thursday and Friday.

· Your apartment must be clean, presentable and free of excessive clutter.

· All window sills must be clear and not having anything placed on them.

· All windows and doors must be clear with full access and cannot have any furniture blocking them. *Move all furniture away from the windows.

· Call in any work orders immediately so they can be addressed prior to the inspection.

· Make sure all smoke detectors are installed and working.

You are a valuable part of our community and we cannot succeed without you. Please help us by doing your part and showing pride in your home and neighborhood.


Teri Henry
Executive Director